
Journalist Exploits Plane Crash Victims, Netizen Reactions

The two Chinese school girls who perished in the June 7th San Francisco plane crash, Ye Mengyuan on the left, Wang Linjia on the right.
The two Chinese school girls who perished in the June 7th San Francisco plane crash, Ye Mengyuan on the left, Wang Linjia on the right.
The two Chinese school girls who perished in the June 7th San Francisco plane crash, Ye Mengyuan on the left, Wang Linjia on the right.

From Sina Weibo:

@僧伽密多 “If they were still alive and knew that the Zhejiang Province Organization Department Chief Cai Qi had paid attention to them [their deaths], perhaps Wang Jialin’s eyes would widen with pleasant surprise, beaming, and perhaps Ye Mengyuan would jump up and down in excited disbelief.” Has China Youth Daily‘s ass-kissing become a habit? Who is “Zhejiang Province Organization Department Chief Cai Qi” that anyone should care about what he pays attention to? Are you the spokesperson for the two deceased girls? It’s deja vu of “I can only hope for a television in front of my grave, to watch the Olympics, and join others in cheering.”

A screen capture of the paragraphs that have angered thousands Chinese netizens
A screen capture of the paragraphs that have angered thousands Chinese netizens. The first paragraph is above. The second paragraph reads: “On July 7th, the microblog account of Cai Qi, which has 9.28 million ‘fans/followers’, posted two crying emoticons: ‘Grieving for the two Zhejiang schoolgirls who died in the Asiana Airlines crash.’ Within a short two days, the number of views reached 16.53 million.”

Comments from Sina Weibo:


Why should they jump up happily? They [government department chiefs] may be high and mighty in your eyes, the people you flatter and fawn over, but those children are not like you. You whore, just what right do you have to say something like this about those who died?


The Heavenly Kingdom really has no lack of shameless eunuchs, hehe.


@庄庆鸿 [the China Youth Daily writer], To borrowed something a certain netizen has said before: It’s hard for this kind of women to find a sugar-daddy, so she can only suffer licking [kissing] someone’s ass. Her ass-licking job is really way better than that of Global Times.


If you want to lick ass then go lick, [but] please don’t use the names of the departed, don’t stain the souls of dead.


To impose your own values upon the two girls who so unfortunately died at this young age, at the moment when the nation’s people mourn them, shows that you not only have messed up values but are also of lousy character/qualifications. You should voluntarily resign.


I’m really disgusted by this journalist’s portrayal of the two victims being overwhelmed by the attention of some government official. This simply reveals the officialdom-oriented thinking of this journalist. It’s clear that she is taking a route to curry favor with the high-ups, to easily get recognition and appreciation from government leaders. Putting one’s own thinking on others, especially imposing it on the dead, is too dishonest, because the because the dead cannot refute it. Comrade Journalist, the department chief is watching you.


China Youth Daily has already deleted this paragraph. What a godly newspaper.


Me and my little friends are stupefied.

Wang Linjia, photo provided by Zhejiang Jiangshan Middle School classmate.
Wang Linjia, photo provided by Zhejiang Jiangshan Middle School classmate.

Zhuang Qinghong, the writer of the article, defended herself on Sina Weibo the same day.

From Sina Weibo:

@庄庆鸿 In response to @Tijen: Right, that’s why I used “perhaps”. I also read all the weibo posts of the two deceased girls and found they didn’t pay any special attention to officialdom or politics. They were simple and cute girls, so I wrote it the way I did. Look at the whole article and you will know I was memorializing these two deceased. //@Tijen: China Youth Daily is still quite good, don’t paint all with the same brush… the journalist is @庄庆鸿…

Comments from Sina Weibo:


Yeah, perhaps, perhaps it’s time for you to take your medication.


Congratulations, now even Americans know about you and your ass-kissing article. Mr. Cai Qi was just a secretary for President Xi and former Mayor of Hangzhou, is he really worth this kind of ass-kissing from you? Would you have died if you didn’t write that…?


Go to Global Times! People like you would really fit Hu Xijin, and you can start a beautiful career of ass-licking together.


Next time it’ll be you who dies from a plane crash, and then President Xi will pay attention to your death. Then you will jump up happily, eyes-wide with a smile, in disbelief!! We await that day to be happy for you, dear.


You can enter the provincial propaganda department now.


Damn, was your literature and language class taught by a P.E. teacher?

有机知识分子: (in responsible to above):

Don’t insult P.E. teachers.

Images: China Youth Daily


Written by Cecilia Miao


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