
Chinese Woman “Does Good”, Sets Poisonous Snakes Free in Park

A cobra "set free" by a Chinese woman in Guangdong.

A cobra "set free" by a Chinese woman in Guangdong.

From NetEase:

Guangdong Woman Releases Poisonous Snakes, Claims to Be “Doing Good”

Weibo netizen @郎卡卓玛 recently invited condemnation by netizens after posting on her microblog photos of her releasing poisonous snakes. As shown in the photos and information, @郎卡卓玛 and her friends set free a batch of animals in Guangdong on July 14. Among the animals released were masked palm civets and poisonous snakes. Netizens pointed out that the photos included poisonous snakes like the cobra and”>Deinagkistrodon. After being exposed by the internet, Weibo netizen @郎卡卓玛 deleted all of the microblog posts, and when netizens asked that the microblog user @郎卡卓玛 to at least tell people where she had released the animals, she declined to respond.










Comments from NetEase:

先行水 [网易广东省中山市网友]:

Relax, it’s within Guangdong province, so wouldn’t be releasing poisonous snakes be sharing the wealth?

网易福建省厦门市网友 ip:27.159.*.*

Fuck, you call this doing good? Why don’t you instead sell your body to support public welfare?

度娘留名 [网易河北省廊坊市网友]:

China’s mental retards, are increasing.

小乔治索罗斯 [网易江苏省镇江市网友]:

This piece of garbage woman.

成庄 [网易山东省济宁市网友]:

This is endangering public safety, where are our police men?

中国网络警察 [网易广东省深圳市网友]:

Grass mud horse, one look and you can tell it is a xiao san. You release them into a park but what happens when they bite a child?

勃起来唱红歌 [网易山东省网友]:

Fuck your mother, you call this doing good? This is you courting death! I curse you to being unable to be reincarnated for 10 lifetimes!

网易江苏省苏州市手机网友 ip:117.82.*.*

If setting free poisonous snakes is doing good, then me robbing a bank is curbing inflation.

网易山东省济南市手机网友 ip:221.0.*.*

This woman is so evil. If you want to take revenge against
society, you should use what’s between your legs to go fuck over some
corrupt officials. Releasing poisonous snakes just harms the ordinary
common people!

Helldogdieallfamily [网易辽宁省大连市网友]:

Does this count as a terrorist attack?


Written by Fauna

Fauna is a mysterious young Shanghainese girl who lives in the only place a Shanghainese person would ever want to live: Shanghai. In mid-2008, she started chinaSMACK to combine her hobby of browsing Chinese internet forums with her goal of improving her English. Through her tireless translation of popular Chinese internet news and phenomenon, her English has apparently gotten dramatically better. At least, reading and writing-wise. Unfortunately, she's still not confident enough to have written this bio, about herself, by herself.


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